
Monday, November 3, 2014

Mojo Monday with Flying Unicorn!

Hey all! It was my turn to get assigned one of Alda's super YUMMY sketches this week! I got to play with it and the November KOM! Weeeee FUN fun!! First up here is her gorgeous sketch..

Now here is my take using the Nov KOM..

I used all the mists that was in the kit to create my BG. Then gave a little splash here and there with Gesso. Loved the out come! Here are a couple of close ups..

The flowers in this kit was a dream to make the cluster with! All wonderful shapes and sizes! I also added in a doily mask from Prima and a Cheery Lynn die for a doily as well. There are also a few Cheery Lynn flourishes mixed in the cluster too! One more close up..

Lots and Lots Of Yummy Bo Bunny goodies to play with in this kit. The "Madeleine" collection was picture  perfect for this pic as well as the sketch! Thank you all for joining me today and don't forget you can use the sketch and enter it in to have a chance at the gift Certificate too! Just enter Here.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful take on the sketch, love the Madeline collection you've used to creae it!
